Apply For A Loan
Consumer Loans
Personal Loans/Signature
Vehicle Loans
Visa Credit Card
Real Estate Loans
Home Mortgage Loans
Home Equity Loans
Lot Loans/Land Loans
UARK Federal Credit Union is the place to finance all your loans! We offer a wide variety, ranging from credit builder loans to mortgage loans.
We surely have the type of loan you are looking for.
Contact one of our Loan Officers today or simply fill out the Loan Application to get pre-approved. You don’t even have to be a
member with us to apply!
Ordering Coupons
If you would like to order more coupons, please contact us and we will mail you some or simply print and fill out the blank coupons listed below.
Credit Cards and 1st Mortgages
Both credit cards and 1st mortgages do not offer coupon books but they do have coupons printed on their respective statements.
You are not required to use the coupons if you choose to make your payments electronically, but we strongly encourage you to use them.
Blank Coupons
You can print Blank Coupons yourself. Simply fill in your name, account number, and loan number for the loan you are wanting to pay
and send the coupon along with your loan payment.
Mortgage Loan Officers
Serena Hampton,
Senior Mortgage Loan Officer
Call or Text: 479-521-1169
NMLS# 332655
Consumer Loan Officers
Brock Ratton,
UAMS Branch Consumer Loan Officer
Call or Text: 501-686-6466
Paisley Ploudre,
South Hill Branch Consumer Loan Officer
Call or Text: 479-313-8490
Rosa Manjarrez,
Van Asche Branch Consumer Loan Officer
Call or Text: 479-249-8916